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A Novel Idea

Republicans should back off and let men marry men, women marry women, and totally legalize abortion.

In three generations there will be no Democrats!

Sounds good to me!

Thanks, Glen.


At May 26, 2005 4:28 AM, Blogger elvira black said...


OMG! That's all I dare say.


At May 27, 2005 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish the whole world agreed with us.....but they don't. Maybe one day people will realize that a comitted relationship deserves the same recognition now matter who are involved.
mama mia

At June 02, 2005 8:52 PM, Blogger Preston said...


Heh heh.



The whole world will never agree on everything. It's just the nature of the beast.

What do you mean maybe? It's totally going to happen! Two consenting adults are free to do as they please in the privacy of their own home(s), as long as they are not harming anyone. We should all be granted the same legal, social, and moral rights if we chose to have a committed relationship with another adult individual.

Thanks for stopping by, please come again soon.

At July 03, 2005 9:29 AM, Blogger Rob said...

To each 'is own. I know gay couples more commited to each other than many straight ones. People shouldn't have to "ask" for their rights. You decide to end your pregnancy, do it and live with whatever consequence might befall, the biggest one your own conscience. I know someone who aborted her baby and everytime she visits I watch her with my sons, I feel for her. Does she wonder what her baby might have been, of the joys and sorrows, lessons and pride she missed out on? Am I speaking to Spock or Kirk? That is a cool effect to your pic.


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