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Technical Difficulties

Due to circumstances beyond my control, the lastest post I have been working on will not be available for a little while.

It seems the folks at Blogger HQ don't appreciate my cleverness in coding. I was all ready to launch a whole slew of the latest and greatest in multimedia with that post. However, I have discovered a nefarious plot by those in control.

I will continue to place pieces, of a technologically inferior nature, here for your entertainment, but I will be seeking new digs for my blog's brain.

I simply cannot allow your experience with my blog to be muted any longer.

Damn you Blogger, damn you to Hell!

©2005 hpb©reations


At July 01, 2005 11:28 PM, Blogger elvira black said...

Oh yeah, H...

I was just saying something similar the other night as I was trying to post a comment to a comment on my blog. I entered the comment; it went bye bye. I went back a few pages, retrieved the comment in its draft form, and published again. Then I had two of the same comment. Went to delete one. They both vanished. Back and forth for awhile like this, with at least three "deleted by the author" posts.

Yes, Blogger seems to have quite a FEW problems. It is particularly frustrating when trying to update a previously published post. Quite alarming for the new blogger to find that a post has seemingly "disappeared" from the blog once you tried to update it in the "edit draft" mode.

So to update a piece, I generally republish many many times. Even then, it doesn't usually work, so I just go away for awhile and come back and eventually the update saunters its way in. I guess they have a tech backup. They do have a link in the Blogger help section which tells you all the latest snafus that are occurring at that very moment, and they can be legion.

I've theorized that Blogger is running secret behavioral experiments to see the lengths to which humans will endure maddening frustration before reaching the breaking point. Their "user friendly" and free setup ensures that zillions will be rounded up for these positive/negative conditioning Blogger sessions.

I do have a love/hate thing going on with Blogger. Being a tech dyslexic, I am forever grateful for the fact that you can set up a blogger account in no time and be blogging away right away, albeit with a very bare bones template.

Another big time peeve of mine was trying to find out the simple code needed to hyperlink. No one seemed to be able to reveal this great secret--no one I e-mailed, nowhere on Blogger that I could see, not on sites I looked up. Thank goodness you e-mailed me the simple code that finally allowed me to do this essential blog-function.

Now Blogger is including a photo server? service, which sounds great, esp. since for some reason Flickr decided I'd used up my entire bandwidth for the month after posting like 8 images. Apparently if you delete any images after you upload them, that eats into your allotted bandwidth too. Brink advised me that my orig. files might be too large, and I could reduce them accordingly before uploading.

In any case, I too have considered eventually just moving on to a webserver like Yahoo's for a small-ish fee.

Henry, I feel your pain.

At July 02, 2005 10:22 PM, Blogger Rob said...

The evils of the net... several writers groups I belonged to fell into that cybe-black-hole, but their spirit lingers in cyber-purgatory ... I guess it's better than cyber-hell. For a couple of days I couldn't find Shithouse rat. Today I linked again. Thank cyber-god for small favors...


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